Video: Make up with your self-confidence

Lack of self-confidence at different moments in life

Whether during teenage years, as a young adult, becoming a mom and even later, women can lack self-confidence. 

I often work with executives or expatriates with high-level responsibilities.

In their professional environment I imagine them being strong, knowing how to impose themselves being assertive in meetings, walking with a decisive step.

And yet, when I meet them, they often tell me that they are not confident.

They are not sure that the image they show reflects who they are or they want to be seen as.

But above all, and this is the more hurtful part, they do not like the image they have of themselves.

This lack of confidence women can feel it at different times in their life, as a child, during adolescence but also later with adulthood.

Unfortunately, self-confidence does not necessarily come over time and can, on the contrary, be diminished.

We can take for example young mothers who no longer take time to take care of themselves or when the first wrinkles arrive.

Only 4% of women find themselves beautiful

According to a study by Dove, only 4% of women worldwide feel beautiful.

Sadly, as a professional makeup artist this figure does not surprise me.

This is one of the reasons why I chose this job. 

My mission is to give women the opportunity to look at themselves in a more positive way and thus feel more confident. 

After a makeup session, I see the way women look at themselves change. Their smile is bigger, they seem happier.

It is this smile that I want to see on the faces of more women.

Do not “hide” your “flaws” but highlight your assets

For this video, I am with Céline, midwife and mother of two adorable little girls.

Women often tend to focus on what they see as flaws and thus forget or ignore their strengths.

The “flaws” that Céline refers to are dark circles. She would like to “hide” them.

I am not ok to hide so-called flaws but to highlight the assets and bring harmony and balance to the face.

So my goal was to “hide” Céline's dark circles but rather to highlight her beautiful blue eyes.

Thus, Céline's attention is no longer focused on her dark circles but on her eyes.

I could talk to you about this subject that fascinates me for hours and hours but images speak for themselves.

I suggest you discover the result in the video.

I hope you enjoyed the video and this article.

If like Céline you want to make your dark circles less visible, I suggest you read the article “How to get rid of dark circles”.

See you soon for a new article.

Yours in beauty,

Francine O.