Makeup Artist | Paris

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How to apply foundation ?

Photo : Olivier Sarrant

Maquillage : Francine O.

Now that you know how to choose the foundation texture that suits you and how to choose the right color, time to learn how to apply it.

Different methods, different goals

There are several ways to apply foundation.

Your choice should be based on :

  • What is the easiest for you 

Makeup is supposed to be fun and a pleasure.

You should not be struggling because of your foundation application.

  • The amount of time you have to do your makeup

I personally enjoy taking my time to do makeup because I care about the details.

However I can totally understand that you would rather sleep more in the morning than doing your makeup.

If you feel this way, go for the fastest method.

  • The foundation texture you are using

Depending on the texture of foundation you are using, one method will be better than the others.

  • The effect / coverage you want 

The way you will apply your foundation will definitely have an impact on the effect and the coverage you are looking for.

  • Your skin condition

Some skin types require less motion to prevent it from breaking or reacting.

The tools

Here are three different ways to apply foundation : 

  • With your fingers / hands

  • With a brush

  • With a sponge 

With your fingers / hands

Photo : Glossier

I tend to repeat that a lot, especially with the current sanitary situation worldwide but please always wash your hands before applying your makeup.

This will prevent the bacterias to spread.

I love using my fingers when doing makeup because it enables the products to be at body temperature and thus to melt into the skin.

The advantages of applying foundation with your fingers are:

  • light coverage

  • very natural effect

  • easy 

  • fast 

Only apply foundation where needed to keep this light coverage and be careful to blend well.

This method is best suited for liquid foundation and cream foundation.

Photo : Estée Lauder

With a brush

If you have not read my blog post about make-up brushes, you missed some important info.

Brushes are the tools that can take your makeup to the next level.

Using a foundation brush, will help you :

  • be more precise

  • use less foundation 

  • create a seamless yet perfect complexion

If like me you are into beautiful and fresh skin, using a foundation brush will be a great help.

It can be used for any foundation texture, liquid, cream and powder.

Depending on the foundation texture, the brush and its hair will be different.

With a sponge 

Photo: Alcone

Applying foundation with a sponge can be a bit tricky and requires some training to get the best results.

You have to know how to load the foundation to avoid putting to much and waste it and how to apply it.

A sponge works great on sensitive and acneic skin because it is soft (if good quality) and you have to press it on the skin instead of rubbing it like you might be doing with a brush.

It is the best tool for cream foundation and powder (use it wet).

Photo: Beauty Blender

The sponge absorbs liquids it is not the most appropriate tool for liquid foundation.

Unfortunately you will waste foundation this way.

Beauty blender ?

You might know about this cute pink egg that we can see Instagramers and Youtubers to put on their foundation.

People are missing a point using Beauty Blenders as an application tool.

Beauty Blender sponge is a finishing tool. 

You use it after having applied your foundation to blend the product and thus make your skin look smoother.

As said above, sponges absorb liquid. For this reason, it will enable you to take off the excess of foundation you might have applied.

I do not use Beauty Blender sponges in my professional kit because of hygiene reasons.

Sponge cannot be washed deeply and cannot be disinfected.

As a professional Makeup Artist, hygiene is my number one concern.

If you want to use a Beauty Blender be careful to wash it often and change it three months after its first use.

The best way to apply foundation

When doing makeup on myself, I use brushes when in a rush and sponges when I have more time.

When working, I use sponges most of the time because cream foundations is my favorite texture.

But again, I know how to use it and I take the time needed to create the most beautiful complexion for the ladies that book me.

I can also be using brushes and my fingers if I want a different coverage or style.

There is not a best way to apply foundation, it really only depends on you.

Use this blog post as a guide and then decide on what suits YOU the best.

So how do you apply your foundation ? 

I will soon post a video tutorial showing the several steps I follow for my foundation application.

Want to be advised when the video is on ? 

Do not forget to subscribe to my newsletter.

See you in the next blog post.

Yours in beauty, 

Francine O.